Understanding The Parts Of A Toilet

Understanding The Parts Of A Toilet

Perception about the several parts of a toilet is exactly essential. If you confront a repair of your used toilet but often there isn’t time to wait for a professional or a plumber.

Immediately you require attempting and fixing, so before fixing your toilet you have to be familiar with various parts of a toilet.

The Multiplex Parts of The Toilet

A flushing toilet is a very simple mechanical device in your home, performing fairly fine using an easy system that requires no motors or electricity.

Today’s flushing toilet may look so different from the old flushing toilet, but the operation is particularly the same.

In spite of intrinsic simplicity, the major operation of a flush toilet is a mystery to mass people, because most of the glamour occurs inside the porcelain tank, under a lid that occasionally comes off.

Understanding the parts of your toilet, it will be better for you to know how they work. And the knowledge of its helping to solve many problems you face.

Handle and Flush Rod

The handle and the flush rod of a toilet are the parts that commence the flush. The handle is adjusted to a horizontal rod and it connects to a wire or chain.

Toilet handles frequently loosen, where the fix basically easy to tighten the metal or plastic supporting nut residing inside the tank.

Notice that this nut is stringed the opposite way. So tighten it on the handle tailpiece by rotating the nut counterclockwise.

Lift Wires (lift chain)

Spreading out horizontally from the handle, the lift rod is attached to a chain that falls to the base of the tank. Using this mechanism the flush valve is opened at the bottom of the tank to pass the water flush down the toilet bowl.

A general problem of a lift chain is while it gets skein or broken. If your toilet doesn’t flush or flushes improperly, the problem is for a lift chair that is broken requires adjusting.

Flapper or Tank Ball

The lift chain conducts a rubber flapper that stands against the flush valve beginning. It is not possible to see the flapper clearly with water in the tank, if you flush your toilet then you will become clear about the operation or watch the action.

Flappers gradually become misaligned that can accommodate water to limit leaking into the toilet bowl after flushing. A running toilet can sometimes be marked as a defective flapper.

Flush Valve

A flush valve is a metal or plastic portion located at the bottom of the tank, comprising the starting through which water exudes out of the tank as well as into the toilet bowl while a flush is founded.

The flush valve is normally adjusted to the vertical overflow tube. A big soft o-ring seal suits around the flush valve tailpiece under the tank.

Overflow Tube

Connected to the flush valve gathering, the overflow tube allows a secure measurement to avoid overflowing in the tank.

Excessive water will fall over the top of your overflow tube and then down into the toilet bowl.

Shutoff Valve

It is outside your toilet and on the water supply pipe bringing cold water to your toilet located near the floor. Generally, this is situated on the left part of the toilet and beneath the tank.

This shutoff valve (fixture) grants you to turn off the water to your toilet while you require making repairs. Although, the shutoff valve isn’t included in all toilets, installing it is a good concept.

For long lime using, the shutoff valve can default where replacing is necessary.

Supply Tube

The supply tube is also located on the base of the toilet tank as a plastic or steel mesh that usually so trouble-free. If this tube gets old, it can fail.

Water Supply Valve

The water supply valve is called also the ballcock, look at inside the toilet tank mounted vertically on the left side of your tank.

This is the hub of the toilet process, it opens the pure water supply to take in the tank at the finish time of the flush cycle and stop again to turn off the water while reaching the right level in the tank.

The water supply valve originates various toilet problems. So when it fails, you can replace this one.

Float Ball Of Float Cup

All supply valves involve some float devices that provide to know the level of water in the tank and when reaching the exact level turn off the water supply valve.

In an older toilet, a floating ball may be joined to the horizontal pivot arm.

On the other hand, in a newer toilet, the floating machine (float cup) is attached to usually the vertical shaft of the supply valve. The float device allows you to harmonize the water level in the tank.

Refill Tube

When running the water supply valve you can observe a flexible tube (small) that excludes the summit of the overflow tube in the middle point of the tank.

It is the refill tube that sends a little trickle of water down into the toilet bowl at the time of the refill cycle.

Toilet Bowl

The main action occurs in the toilet bowl. But some people don’t notice the toilet bowl unit that is bolted to the floor including an internal curved trap structure that operates just like a sink drain trap.

This trap (internal) helps to hold standing water and impede sewer gases from growing up into the home.

You can see the water in the bowl that is basically the peak mouth of your toilet’s drain trap configuration. The trap is the part where the most ordinary toilet problem takes place-drain clogs.

Wax Ring or Wax Seal

Beneath the toilet that means from your sight a hidden place where is a smooth wax ring which seals the connection from the base of the toilet to the drain starting in the floor.

This seal makes a water-tight and airtight seal between the toilet and sewer line. If it fails, you can see water seeping out the base of the toilet while flushing.

A wax ring replacing work is so messy, but toilets will require a new one.

Toilet Flushing System

During a flush cycle if you notice inside your toilet tank with the removed lid, then you can realize how the process works at the same time where complications can occur.

  1. Pulling or pushing the handle lever runs a lift chair which lifts the flapper away from your flush valve opening. This also opens the swiftness of water out of your tank into the toilet bowl.
  2. In the bowl’s water together with its waste objects is passed through the bowl’s trap as well as into your home’s drain scheme.
  3. While the tank is empty, the flapper collapses behind into place in your flush valve opening.
  4. Since the float ball or float cup drops in the tank, your water supply valve is opened, and pure water starts to flow. A little amount of water is supplied back into the toilet bowl via the refill tube because that water refills the tank and overflow the tube.
  5. Earlier the float ball float cup riding on the water level get to the exact height in the tank, it turns off the water supply valve. Then, your toilet is prepared for the coming flush. And, you can able to understand the system of your toilet during flush.


In a nutshell, how to toilet work and its different parts are essentially the basic understanding. If you don’t know about any part of flush toilet, when you fall in a difficult situation but not possible to call a plumber, you have to fix or repair this yourself.

To overcome that complexity you must learn to understand the parts of a toilet where this guide obviously helps you to understand how your toilet works.

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