Why My Dishwasher Has No Power

Why My Dishwasher Has No Power?

A dishwasher normally works without any kind of problems. And, if you feel your dishwasher won’t start, this easily makes disappointment and you may think requiring a new unit. But don’t worry; from this discussion, you can learn why your dishwasher has no power.

However, reading this helpful article you can able to fix this issue very easily without the help of a plumber. At the same time, you can save your valuable money and get around waiting for a service person to repair the dishwasher.


When your dishwasher won’t start, check the power cord suits nicely into the outlet. You should not conduct an extension cord. Just directly plug your dishwasher into the wall. Inquire the outlet and another appliance as well as see whether it’s basically live. Test the circuit breaker (home) or fuses.

The circuit breaker needs to turn on in case the machine has tripped it. Check the fuses along with changing out any things which are black or have broken wires. And if the power is turned off, you should communicate with your electricity company.

Water or Control Panel

Now turn the water shutoff valve to the exact ‘’on’’ position. Wash the water filter and hoses if they are clogged anytime.

If it’s crushed you should replace it. Relying on your model, you can also lock the control panel. And unlock the control panel, or reboot this if you experienced the outage.


Examine the inner wiring if your dishwasher isn’t powering on. Unplug your dishwasher from the power and eliminate the front panel. Check the wires, particularly the main wiring connection.

However, this connection occasionally burns out on alder dishwashers. Observe the wiring to the door switch and the timer, the wiring to working from the door to the base of the dishwasher. If any wires are broken or corroded, you can replace them.

Test the switch that is four wires connected by the plastic housing. And if any wires are burnt out just take the new door switch. You must purchase this part from the manufacturers or the authorized supplier (parts).

Motor or Door

You must totally close your dishwasher door for the programme cycle to start. In case you opened the dishwasher door in the intermediate of the cycle, only push the door closed, then press the resume or start button for restarting the cycle again.

When you see the door isn’t closing, inspect the seals or gaskets as well as clean them if you notice they are so messy. You may need to replace them if the seals or gaskets are cracked or falling off. Your motor may also pause between several wash cycles.

When you find the motor doesn’t back restart, it’s overloaded. Accommodate up to thirty minutes to reset the motor after that time restart the cycle. And if the motor is departed, contact technician service person.


Actually, a dishwasher runs properly if there is no specific problem. Fortunately, you can solve the dishwasher’s power issue except with the assistance of a service technician following the above article.

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